Wissahickon Clean Water Partnership Receives Regional Award

Jamie Stewarti

By: Lindsay Blanton, Water Programs Manager


The Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin has selected the Wissahickon Clean Water Partnership (WCWP) to receive its prestigious Government Award. Along with other award winners, the Wissahickon Clean Water Partnership was honored at their Annual Recognition Dinner on April 10 2019 at the Down Town Club in Philadelphia.


The Wissahickon Clean Water Partnership comprises thirteen municipalities and four wastewater treatment plant operators in the Wissahickon Creek watershed. The partners are working collaboratively to develop a TMDL Alternative for nutrients. The municipal participants represent over 98% of the watershed area, which provides a powerful stakeholder group that is uniquely positioned to develop a coordinated plan to improve water quality in the watershed. The project was funded in part by The William Penn Foundation through the Pennsylvania Environmental Council. Technical work was performed by Temple University. Funding mechanisms are being developed and evaluated by the Environmental Finance Center of the University of Maryland. Additional support is being provided by Wissahickon Trails (formerly Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association) and the Montgomery County Planning Commission. The City of Philadelphia Water Department is also a key participant in the effort providing technical support and important historical water quality information about the Wissahickon Creek. With encouragement from PADEP and EPA, the Partnership is preparing a comprehensive Water Quality Improvement Plan for this highly-visible urbanized watershed that will contain a long-term program to achieve significant water quality improvements through an adaptive management process.